This is intended as a very short introduction to testing, for programming novices and beginner developers without a lot of formal training. Skilled developers will find much to criticise here because I've necessarily simplified things a lot, but they're not the target audience.
2. Why do we test?
We test because bugs are inevitable. Software is complex. Very complex. The number of variables involved in any non-trivial program rapidly becomes impossible to keep a track of, and as soon as you can't conceptualise your entire program mentally throughout it's run cycle, things are going to slip through the cracks.
We test because we don't want those bugs to cause problems.
We also test because we don't want bugs to slow the development cycle down: if you do no testing at all, when the code goes for UAT (see 'types of testing'), the user finds shedloads of bugs, writes them up and you fix them. But that takes a lot more time than you finding most of the bugs as you go along. Plus you look like a pillock if your code is really buggy.
2. Ways of testing
Basic 'try it through the UI' - assuming your code has a UI, just run through it the way the user would. To make sure you're trying every pathway, you need to produce use cases. These are the different ways in which the program will be used: for example, a typical use case for using a 'user profile edit' component might be:
Select user
Click edit
Change 1 or more details
Click save
Don't forget about the 'change your mind' scenarios like:
Select user
Click edit
Change your mind and click cancel.
Automated testing - this is the preferred way of doing things. Most languages have a preferred test framework (jUnit in Java, Test::More in Perl etc). There are advantages and disadvantages to automated testing:
- you only have to write the test once
- changes to code can be easily checked for knock on effects elsewhere
- during slow periods in a project, writing tests is a productive use of time
- automated tools exist to identify which parts of your code are tested and which aren't
- the test suite is more code to maintain
- Writing a test case usually takes longer than testing the UI, when under time pressure it can be easier just to test the UI
- Creating and maintaining test data can be a pain - databases usually need to be 'mocked', as do network services, which is extra overhead.
- Some thought needs to go into designing your test suite if you don't want to end up with tons of cut and paste code, this takes time.
3. Types of testing
Smoke - literally 'switch it on, does it catch fire'. Compile the code, run it, see if any exceptions are thrown.
Unit - testing the component you've been working on.
Integration - test the integration of the component with the rest of the software suite, make sure that you haven't buggered anything elsewhere in the suite by this set of changes.
Functional - test the functionality of the program. Specifically, test the functionality you have been working on in this development cycle.
UAT - user acceptance testing: performed by the customer/consumer to ensure that they are satisfied with the product.
4. Test Driven Development
TDD is a way of producing very high quality code in a mature development environment. Under TDD, the tests are developed first, from the design documentation. The functional code is then written to fulfil the tests. That way, you're absolutely certain that your code matches the design.
5. Conclusion
Structured formal testing is a vital part of professional development, and testing skills are an integral part of what makes a good developer. Good code testing skills will make a huge difference to the quality of your code.
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